Posts tagged AAC
#145 - Thoughts From a Nonspeaking Autistic on Communication and Literacy

She was denied access to appropriate educational opportunities and a robust communication system for the first 18 years of life. But now, she has a degree in education policy and is a grad student studying curriculum instruction. A self advocate shares what it was like to live with trapped thoughts for 18 years and what was helpful and harmful on her journey toward communication and literacy.

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#132 - Changing How We Think About Literacy and Disabilities

The tide is beginning to shift regarding how literacy is approached for students with disabilities, specifically those with complex communication needs. The first step in turning the tide is exploring what we believe to be true about students with disabilities. What are the dangers in assuming literacy is not possible? On the flip side, is assuming competence too simplistic? We will discuss these ideas as well as why access to the entire alphabet is needed, the gateway social media offers, and allowing the necessary time for emergent literacy skills to solidify.

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