Posts in housing
Housing: #22-Four Things to Start Doing Now & #23-Create a Housing Community

Desiree Kameka works for the Madison House Autism Foundation where she serves as the director of community engagement and also is the director of a branch for the foundation called the Autism Housing Network. She is the national coordinator for the advocacy group Coalition for Community Choice and she also serves as a host home provider. She joins us to provide insight and action steps to move us forward in securing housing for our loved ones with disabilities. 

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#17 - Special Needs Housing: Host Home / Foster Model

Integrated Life Choices is a premier example of successfully executing the host home model for adults with special needs. One of Shanda McClaren's many roles with the company is to pair adults utilizing this model with a host home. In this episode, Shanda shares with us who is best suited for this model, what guardians do and do not give up when utilizing this housing model, how long placement takes, and how to proceed should this be your housing model of choice.  

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#15 & #16 - Special Needs Housing: Group Homes

Group Homes, also referred to as Community Care Facilities, are residential homes within the community housing a number of unrelated individuals who require support. 

LOMAH speaks with Dana Hooper, executive director of Life Services Alternative (LSA) in episode #15 & #16. LSA has 11 (soon to be 12) group homes in the Silicon Valley area of California and is considered to be one of the best examples in the country of the group home concept.

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caregiving, friends, housingKim Albrecht
#11 - Housing Models for Special Needs Adults

If you have a loved one with a disability, you may have begun pondering where s/he will live as an adult. It doesn’t take long to realize there are a variety of options but not an abundance of them. Today we go over the models of care, share a must have resource, and suggest next steps to take in planning housing for your adult with special needs.

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housingKim Albrecht
#09 - The Joey Farm: An Adventurous Spin on Planning for the Future

The Arroya Family has dreams of beginning a farm similar to many currently in existence for adults with special needs. In preparation, they put the family belongings in storage and began an epic road trip to visit 25 farms across the country. Amy Arroya shares with us what they are learning and a simple question serving as the compass for their adventure. Learn what the question is and consider asking it to plan a future for your special needs loved one.

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#05-Camp Cabins to Long Term Living Solutions

Alex Krem, Sr. was the founder of Camping Unlimited. This year marks 60 years of providing camping opportunities for children, teens, and adults with special needs. It is now run by his granddaughter, Christina Krem, along with Katie Giampa

Today, we are chatting with the middle generation, Alex Krem, Jr., about the unique objective of Camping Unlimited as well as his vision to carry things over into long term living solutions for adults with special needs. 

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camp, housingKim Albrecht